4Cs” is the grading standard of a diamond,
representing carat (weight), color (color grading),
clarity (characteristics) and cut (polish and symmetry).
The higher the grading of 4Cs is rated,
the more precious and brilliance the diamond will be.
Cut is the only human factor in the 4Cs
that affects the brilliancy and sparkle of a diamond.
Apart from pink, blue or other fancy-colored diamonds, colorless diamonds are the most expensive.
The highest color grade is “D” (the first letter of the word “Diamond”).
As the depth of color increases, the grading will be lower.
Clarity means the pureness of a diamond.
The clarity of a diamond is rated by the size, location and quantity of inclusions and blemishes,
that are seen under 10X magnification based on a grading system with eleven clarity grades.
Cut is the only human factor in the 4Cs
that affects the brilliancy and sparkle of a diamond.
Walk-in customers are welcome. We recommend reservation to prevent waiting during rush hours to ensure better service and will assist you to choose your once-in-a-lifetime dream wedding ring.