I-PRIMO is a wedding ring specialty store.
Our consultant will propose the perfect ring for the new couple.

ProfessionalI-PRIMO Personal Hand Analysis

The analysis will be performed by a qualified consultant.
Your hand will go through several evaluations which are conducted by our certified jewelry consultant.
We begin with a careful consultation. Instead of relying on just the appearance, you may even discover new preferences and wearing methods of which you were previously unaware.
Then we will recommend the most suitable ring for you based on the expert’s objective analysis.



StepThe course of I-PRIMO Personal Hand Analysis

Before selecting a ring, you need to first understand the unique features of your hand.
Then, we will focus on finding the ring shape that matches you.

  • 01.Clarify Your Preferences Through The Consultation Form

    This process will help you identify your “preference” which is the most crucial part in choosing ring.
    The key factor of a ring can or cannot be loved for a long time is whether the person is “fond of it.” However, people sometimes don’t even know their own preferences and are unable to give a specific answer. During the personal hand analysis, we will introduce five categories that help the couple understand their favorite design, and gradually clarify their personal preferences.


  • 02.Analyze With Specialized Measuring Tools

    Although the consultant’s opinion is necessary, your hands are just as important.
    We will use specialized measuring tools to examine the couple’s fingers.
    The perfect ring for each person varies based on the hand shape, thickness, finger length, and the gap size between each finger. You might even discover new features about your hand that you have not noticed before.


  • 03.Analysis From Both Subjective and Objective Perspectives

    If you have already discovered your own “personal preferences” and “hand features”, the consultant will recommend a ring that truly suitable for you based on their expertise.
    They will also explain to you the special features of the recommended ring style along with the reasons that it suits you. Thereby the standard of the ring that suits you should become clear and certain.


  • 04.Find The Ideal Ring Among Various Ring Styles

    Using the consultant’s recommended ring style as the baseline, you can continue your search for your ideal ring. At the same time, the consultant will consider the “compatibility issue” of the ring and discuss with the couple on how they can wear the ring in daily life. I-PRIMO has a wide variety of rings, so whether it is just a slight difference in the ring’s angle of curve or in the number of diamonds, you will be able to find your most ideal ring out of all the various styles.


ReservationVisit the Store to Experience The Personal Hand Analysis Service.

Online Reservation

How to chooseHere are the key points in choosing a ring.

How to choose a wedding ring most suitable for oneself.

Because wedding rings are worn for a long time, you would certainly want to select the most ideal ring that truly suits you.
Here are the three key points when choosing the wedding ring that is truly perfect for you.



Only I-PRIMO can provide thoughtful and attentive high-quality service.

I-PRIMO has physical stores to provide thorough and considerate service. If it is your first time to choose a ring, you will enjoy full expert assistance from our consultants.


Walk-in customers are welcome. We recommend reservation to prevent waiting during rush hours to ensure better service and will assist you to choose your once-in-a-lifetime dream wedding ring.