The side view is bright and eye-catching.
Gorgeous and sparkling diamond, every angle is worth admiring.
“This solitaire diamond ring is named after the brightest star in Cygnus constellation.
“Simple yet delicate design comes from the skilled craftsmanship,
“Highlighting the three-dimensional brilliance and beautiful outline of the diamond.”

Heart & Cupid
A guarantee to excellent brilliance
The cut of a diamond greatly impacts its brilliance and “symmetry” is the most important criteria for brilliance in a good diamond cut. Hearts & cupids diamonds (with eight symmetrical hearts and eight symmetrical arrows patterns) are the diamonds that are cut to perfect proportion, bringing the lights reflection to its highest.
(Left) Diamond with patterns of Cupid’s arrow in the face up position. -
(Right) Diamond with patterns of heart when viewed in the table down position
Cygna & Helene
Fascinated by the harmonious combination and the beauty of dazzling brilliance
With the story of Cygnus, shine gracefully at your fingertips
Set Ring
將永遠的想望寄託於串聯的故事中。 結婚套戒講究的設計,使鑽石光芒在戒環上 綻放和諧之美,姿態高貴典雅。
擁有優美收窄曲線的永恆婚戒, 彷彿依偎著鑽石般,與側面同樣出色的訂婚鑽戒完美服貼。 回歸經典的極簡婚戒,搭配天鵝座主題的戒指,演繹高雅脫俗的氛圍。