
Intertwined like silk, the delicate texture allowing the rings to emanate a soft luster.
May the two spend a fulfilling life together.

The ring is named after the goddess of prosperity and luck. The material is applied with double hairline finish which subtly exudes a silky glow.
One of the special features is the melee diamonds design that collects generous amount of light. The diamond setting is even, and it allows easy wearing in everyday life.

CARAT (Upper)0.03ct
CATEGORY 鋳造(ちゅうぞう)製法

Heart & Cupid

A guarantee to excellent brilliance

The cut of a diamond greatly impacts its brilliance and “symmetry” is the most important criteria for brilliance in a good diamond cut. Hearts & cupids diamonds (with eight symmetrical hearts and eight symmetrical arrows patterns) are the diamonds that are cut to perfect proportion, bringing the lights reflection to its highest.

  • (Left) Diamond with patterns of Cupid’s arrow in the face up position.<
  • (Right) Diamond with patterns of heart when viewed in the table down position


This series utilizes many techniques, conveying the wish “to bless the future and hope for happiness.”


Walk-in customers are welcome. We recommend reservation to prevent waiting during rush hours to ensure better service and will assist you to choose your once-in-a-lifetime dream wedding ring.